Archive for July, 2012

Please attend to my tale of woe.

In 1992, it first came to my attention that a big-budget American version of Godzilla was in the works. This, after the abortive efforts to get the project off the ground in the 80s. I am a Godzilla fan of long-standing (I still have the Aurora glow-in-the-dark model kit that I bought when I was eight or nine), and the news of this film was exciting beyond words. I held my breath, awaiting further developments anxiously.

Needless to say, I turned blue, but finally the film became a reality in 1998. After six years of build-up, I was going to let nothing spoil what I was convinced would be an experience that would make the Second Coming seem a mere Full House rerun by comparison. Hell, I was getting my PhD that summer, but THIS was the Big Event. I closed my eyes during every trailer. I didn’t read a single review. I managed to avoid even finding out what the monster looked like.

You all know where this is going, don’t you? (more…)