
I write fiction in a variety of genres: SF/Fantasy, horror, thrillers. I write non-fiction about film and video games. I teach courses on film, games, literature and creative writing. So, clearly, I love the sound of my own voice, and the look of it in print. Here’s more of it, then, with me going on about whatever bright, shiny subject has captured my scattered brain at that moment.

Representation: Robert Lecker Agency



  1. Dear Mr. Annandale,

    Just a quick note to thank you for “Final Draft.” This is perhaps the finest modern Mythos story I’ve read — I didn’t want it to be over — and it returned me to the sense of discovery I experienced on the night long ago when I first read Lovecraft’s “The Haunter in the Dark.”

    Best wishes,

    Peter Olafson

    • Thank you so much, Peter. I’m very fond of that story, and it means a lot to me when I hear that people enjoyed it. I couldn’t ask for a better reaction than the one you had.


      • Andrew Miller says:

        I’ve heard great things about “Final Draft” as well, but haven’t read it yet. I’d like to buy it, in e-book form. Can you recommend a particular collection?

      • The collection it’s in, Dead But Dreaming, is still in print, though it doesn’t have an ebook edition. Getting that story into ebook form is certainly something I would like should explore at some point. Thanks for asking!

  2. Hey David

    Long time no see your books, etc.

    Do get back in touch. I’d also be happy to review some of your books on my blog Ithere you go).

    How are you? It looks like youre busy & good.


  3. Neil Szabo says:

    I’m really enjoying the new life and perspective you have given a classic character from Games Workshop. Your work on Yarrick the pleasant read. Right up there with the first bunch of Guant’s Ghosts or Ciaphis Cain novels. Keep up the great grimdark 🙂

  4. Jonathan Fears says:

    Are the Yarrick books complete or will you write anymore? Big fan of your Yarrick books by the way.

    Thank you,

    • Thanks so much! I love writing Yarrick, and would definitely do more if asked, but there isn’t anything on the horizon for now. We’ll just have to see what the future brings.

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