Archive for December, 2015

Who comes up with these titles?

This is anything but that.


The Sorrows of Hope

Posted: December 28, 2015 in Uncategorized
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This is a bit of a follow-up to my post on repetition in Star Wars (so the spoiler warning applies again). This article in Salon touches on some related ideas, again emphasizing the thematic purpose of repetition in the saga. I was struck by the author’s grim reading of the nature of the Star Wars universe. I think there are excellent points here, ones worth grappling with, and so herewith just a few rough, preliminary thoughts.


So I finally saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens, only a few days after most of the sentient life in the solar system (or so it seemed). I had a great time, sometimes feeling not unlike I had at the age of 10 in 1977. At other times, I was rather uncomfortably conscious of the echoes of ’77, and so here are some musings as I try to sort out my thoughts on the subject.

Spoilers follow. If you haven’t seen the film, I really wouldn’t read any further. (more…)

Cryptid Clash!

Posted: December 21, 2015 in Uncategorized

So here’s a project I’ve been really looking forward to talking about. Last summer, Joshua Reynolds came up with the brilliant idea of a series of novellas featuring monster mashes between cryptids (you know — Sasquatch, Nessie and the like). Within days of this brainstorm, he had 18thWall Productions on board as a publisher, and a roster of authors lined up. I consider myself very fortunate to be included in that roster. Well, the pitches are all in, and we’ll be working away at the stories over the coming year. There will be a more formal announcement soon, and I’ll be teasing and tweeting about this a fair bit. But for now, from my end, I’m can promise you monsters, mad science, and a travelling carnival. And that’s just the start.

This is going to be so much fun.

Edit: Here’s Joshua’s blog post about the series, complete with the full roster of authors!